Edmund Gunterstraat 3
1086 ZP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E. info@drenthekeur.nl
T. +31 (0)20-3113 666
Drenthe Keur Advocaten B.V.
KvK 34221708
BTW NL8143.51.980.B01
Please contact us if you have any questions, remarks or complaints regarding our services. Drenthe Keur Advocaten B.V. and the lawyers affiliated to it are member of the Dutch Bar Association, under jurisdiction of the Bar Association Amsterdam.
For information regarding the Dutch Bar Association and the Bar Association Amsterdam, including complaints: www.advocatenorde.nl and www.advocatenorde-amsterdam.nl.
Please note that our General Terms and Conditions apply in case our services are requested, any liability for services rendered is limited to the amount covered by our professional liability insurance.
1086 ZP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E. info@drenthekeur.nl
T. +31 (0)20-3113 666
Drenthe Keur Advocaten B.V.
KvK 34221708
BTW NL8143.51.980.B01
Please contact us if you have any questions, remarks or complaints regarding our services. Drenthe Keur Advocaten B.V. and the lawyers affiliated to it are member of the Dutch Bar Association, under jurisdiction of the Bar Association Amsterdam.
For information regarding the Dutch Bar Association and the Bar Association Amsterdam, including complaints: www.advocatenorde.nl and www.advocatenorde-amsterdam.nl.
Please note that our General Terms and Conditions apply in case our services are requested, any liability for services rendered is limited to the amount covered by our professional liability insurance.